ICA Macau

Miracles in Motion: Discovering God’s Work Through Faith and Action

Welcome, dear brothers and sisters in Christ! Today, we’re diving deep into a powerful message that will inspire and challenge you to see God’s miracles unfolding in your life. Before we begin, take a moment to watch the sermon video below, which sets the foundation for our discussion.

As we explore the concept of “Miracles in Motion,” I want you to open your hearts and minds to the incredible ways God is working in and through us. Are you ready to embark on this faith-filled journey?

The Power of Testimony: Sharing God’s Wonders

Last week, we kicked off our “Miracles in Motion” series, and I was deeply encouraged by the personal testimonies many of you shared. From last-minute visa approvals to family members becoming receptive to faith, we’ve seen God moving in remarkable ways.

These real-life accounts remind us of the importance of sharing our experiences. As Hebrews 3:13 tells us:

But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.

When we share our testimonies, we lift each other up and praise God together. It’s a powerful way to encourage one another and strengthen our faith community.

Faith That Moves Mountains: Seeking God’s Will

Last week, we explored the concept of faith that can move mountains. This faith isn’t just about believing; it’s about seeking God’s heart and will. It’s the kind of faith that allows God to accomplish in and through us what only He can do.

Today, we’re flipping the coin to examine the other side: works. As James reminds us, faith without works is dead. But what exactly are these works, and how do they relate to the miracles we see in our lives?

Understanding “Works” in the Gospel of John

To grasp what Jesus means when He speaks of “works,” let’s turn to the Gospel of John. Throughout this powerful book, we see various instances where the word “works” (ergon in Greek) is used. These works encompass:

  • Works that accomplish God’s will
  • Works that bear witness to Jesus’ divine mission
  • Signs and miracles
  • Works that honor and glorify God
  • Works of salvation through faith in Jesus
  • Acts of service and love towards others
  • Works of devotion to Jesus and His commandments

When Jesus says in John 14:12, “Whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do,” He’s referring to all of these aspects of His ministry.

The Three Categories of Works

To simplify our understanding, we can group these works into three main categories:

  1. Works of Calling: These are unique tasks God has revealed to you personally.
  2. Works of Proclaiming: This involves sharing the Gospel through evangelism and outreach.
  3. Works of Service and Love: Acts of humility and love in our daily lives as Christians.

As believers, we’re called to engage in all three types of works, following Jesus’ example during His earthly ministry.

Greater Works: The Continuing Ministry of Christ

Now, here’s where it gets really exciting. Jesus didn’t stop at saying we would do His works. He went on to say, “and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father” (John 14:12).

What did Jesus mean by “greater works”? It’s not about outdoing Jesus in miraculous power. Instead, it’s about the expansion and continuation of His ministry through us, empowered by the Holy Spirit.

After Jesus’ ascension, we see these “greater works” unfold in the book of Acts. On the day of Pentecost, Peter’s sermon led to the salvation of 3,000 souls – a number that exceeded the visible results of Jesus’ earthly ministry. The Gospel spread from Jerusalem to Rome, and now, 2,000 years later, it continues to spread through us!

The Challenge: Embracing Your Role in God’s Miracles

Dear friends, here’s my challenge to you: Embrace your role in God’s ongoing miracles. Just as Eric Liddell, the Olympic champion turned missionary, dedicated his life to God’s work, we too are called to participate in the miraculous movement of God’s kingdom.

Ask yourself:

  • What unique calling has God placed on my life?
  • How can I proclaim the Gospel more boldly in my daily interactions?
  • What acts of service and love can I perform this week?

Remember, God’s miracles are in motion, and you are part of His divine plan. Let’s not be passive witnesses but active participants in the work of His kingdom.

Closing Thoughts: Be Still, My Soul

As we conclude, let’s reflect on the beautiful hymn “Be Still, My Soul,” a favorite of Eric Liddell. In the midst of our works and service, we must remember to rest in God’s unfailing love and sovereignty.

Be still, my soul: thy God doth undertake
To guide the future as He has the past.
Thy hope, thy confidence let nothing shake;
All now mysterious shall be bright at last.

May this reminder encourage you as you step out in faith, doing the works God has prepared for you. Trust in His guidance, and be ready to witness the miracles He will perform through your obedience and faith.

Go forth, dear brothers and sisters, and be part of the miracles in motion. May God bless you and work mightily through you!

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